About Us

American Classifieds has been a household name for more than 30 years and has published over 400 million private party classified ads, making American Classifieds the largest free classified newspaper in the United States.
We are FREE to our readers and are distributed to many locations, in and out of cities, across the United States. Our paper is printed and distributed every Thursday, with a weekly circulation of well over 4.1 million papers. All of our classified ads and many of our commercial ads are also available online at www.GreensboroAmericanClassifieds.com.

American Classifieds is currently published in 23 states. There are more than 100 American Classifieds papers and affiliates nationwide.
Greensboro American Classifieds serves 30 counties and 118 cities! That’s a lot of ground we cover! You will find us in Alamance, Davidson, Guilford, Caswell, Randolph, Rockingham, Chatham, Lee, Pittsylvania, Stanley, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Montgomery, Mecklenburg, York, Union, Gaston, Cabarrus, Iredell, Rowan, Cleveland, Lancaster, Lincoln, Stanly, Chester, Catawba, Chesterfield, Alexander, and Anson.
We can be found at over 1,800 locations! Including, but not limited to, Harris Teeters, Great Stops, Food Lion, Biscuitville, Golden Corral, Kangaroo Express, Goodwill Industries, Dollar General, Sav-A-Lot, Burlington Coat Factory, Habitat For Humanity Restore, Lowes Foods, Pizza Hut, The Salvation Army, Cooper’s Ale House, Walmart, Bottom Dollar Food, Dollar Tree, Wendy’s, Compare Foods, Family Dollar, Sheetz, and many more!
We work with advertisers to create solutions that will serve their business needs. With our coverage in the Triad, we are the best advertising alternative for businesses.
Why advertise with us?
We are the largest free wanted ad paper on the market today.
We are the most cost-effective advertising outlet in the area.
Free Voluntary Readership Makes Good Business Sense.
Well over 119,000 people read us every week.
Every month, over 33 million people read online.
Published in 26 states and 122 cities across the country.
Our Paper Is In Readers’ Homes For An Average Of 5 To 7 Days.
It is read from cover to cover. For you, this means more chances for your message to be seen on a regular basis.
There is complete website coverage available.